Helpful Links: KQM Deck Guides (!!!), Google Sheet Simulator, Deck List Storage / Fancifier, Changelog (no longer in use)

Welcome to the GCG Deck Builder! There's lots of placeholders right now but it should be fully functional. Symbol in top left currently toggles between character and action cards. Click outside this window to close it.

This does not currently work on Mobile. On Desktop, I'd recommend zooming out to 75%.

DM me on Discord (@StupidIdiot#9003) if you'd like to contribute art to replace a placeholder or find any bugs/typos.

Head over to the Genius Invokation TCG Discord server ( if you'd like to particpate in tournaments, fight against others in ranked matches, or just talk about the TCG!

I'm also live sometimes at I'll definitely be streaming some Genius Invocation TCG up until and through the 3.3 patch.

Todo list: mobile display... surely I'll get around to it one day...

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